Obligatory Prayer During Coronavirus Outbreak | HTMedia | إعلاميات حزب التحرير | موبايل

Obligatory Prayer During Coronavirus OutbreakA video based on the q&a by the eminent jurist, Sheikh Ata Ibn Khalil Abu Ar-Rashta, dated 26 March 2020 [موبايل]

موبايل, obligatory, prayer, during, coronavirus, outbreak

Obligatory Prayer During Coronavirus Outbreak

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نشر بواسطة: techtn
التاريخ: 04/14/2020 | المشاهدات: 0

Obligatory Prayer During Coronavirus Outbreak

A video based on the q&a by the eminent jurist, Sheikh Ata Ibn Khalil Abu Ar-Rashta, dated 26 March 2020


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العلامات: obligatory | prayer | during | coronavirus | outbreak |